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Sundararajan, Radhika Lu, MD, PhD


I am an Emergency Physician with a research interest in the socio-cultural and structural factors that contribute to health disparities. I have conducted research on barriers to malaria control among marginalized populations with a goal to shape interventions to reduce morbidity and mortality among vulnerable populations. Prior to medical school, I completed a PhD in Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania focused on the complex nature of social relationships among villagers in rural South India. During my residency in Emergency Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital, I completed qualitative research projects that investigated discrepant rates of malaria infection among marginalized populations in endemic regions. I will be joining the Emergency Medicine Department and Global Health Division Faculty at UC-San Diego this fall as an Assistant Professor.

Here is a link to the PLoS one article on her research in India that she would like to share:
and the PDF.